All we imagine as light (2024) streaming VF

"All we imagine as light" is a film directed by Payal Kapadia that follows the story of a young woman named Kalina who lives in a small village in rural India. Kalina is a dreamer and an artist who finds solace in her imagination and creativity. However, she is constantly pressured by her family and society to conform to their traditional expectations.

As Kalina navigates the challenges of her conservative environment, she meets a young man named Aarav who shares her passion for art and encourages her to pursue her dreams. Together, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and rebellion against the constraints of their society.

Through stunning visuals and poetic storytelling, "All we imagine as light" explores themes of freedom, love, and the power of art to transcend boundaries. It is a visually captivating and emotionally resonant film that celebrates the courage and resilience of individuals who dare to dream in the face of adversity.

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